Blog Posts

Explore MINDS’ ongoing and pioneering projects in our blog, focusing on addressing complex challenges in youth mental health and addiction in London-Middlesex.

Join us August 23-24 for MINDS first Collective System Innovation (CSI) Event!

This blog is your go-to guide for everything you need to know about our two-day adventure into mindful social innovation…

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Unmarked chart paper before the event with a list of theme printouts atop it.

London’s Groundbreaking Sensemaking Roundtable

With over 40 people with lived experience leading discussions, MINDS shares our six key insights from our sensemaking work…

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Welcome to a Whole New MINDS (2.0)

MINDS is a mindful social innovation lab dedicated to designing and piloting innovations to mental health and addiction…

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The Road to Mental Health for Indigenous Communities

With dedicated drivers trained in crisis management and cultural sensitivity, the R2MH is a free option to attend appointments and more…

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Introducing MINDS 2.0 and Our Updated Focus

MINDS expands our age range to 16-35 and changes focus to the needs of people experiencing complex and severe forms of mental ill-health…

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You’re Invited to our 2022 MINDS Convening

The MINDS Convening 2022 will be an opportunity to share and celebrate the various interventions that have been successful…

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Meet Lily, One of Our Youth Researchers

One of our youth researchers shares insights on their work at MINDS and shares their favourite projects…

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In Memory of Eugenia Canas, MINDS Director of Research

This post is In memory of MINDS Director of Research, Dr. Eugenia Canas, who passed away on June 18th, 2021…

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