Join us August 23-24 for MINDS first Collective System Innovation Event

Whether you know us or are new to MINDS, we’d be thrilled to have you join us. Our focus for the August event is: ‘Lack of Service Coordination and System Navigation’.

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Download your free copy of the Mental Health Peer Support Guidebook

Written by the MINDS youth council, this book aims to ease the burden of mental ill-health by helping youth in gathering the tools they need to support their friends while staying well.

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MINDS is a team of researchers and innovators dedicated to finding fresh solutions for the mental health and addiction challenges faced by young people. We collaborate closely with young individuals who have direct experience with these issues to develop innovative ideas as well as practitioners, leaders, caregivers and advocates across the mental health system. MINDS is currently overseeing several projects focusing on different aspects of youth mental health and well-being, all co-created and tested by young community members.

MINDS Ongoing Work

Find out how MINDS is pioneering projects focused on addressing complex challenges in youth mental health and addiction. Through innovative solutions and collaborative efforts, MINDS aims to improve the well-being of young people in our community and beyond.


Mental Health and Addiction Sensemaking

Working alongside our stakeholders to understand the mental health and addiction system based on their experiences…

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Collective System Innovation (CSI) Events

Twice yearly events where young people (16-35) come together to prototype projects to address a specific social issue…

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Mindful Social Innovation (MSI) Training

Revolutionary mindful social innovation education program to learn how to affect change in the health care system…

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Mental Health and Addiction Imaginarium

A platform for diverse system stakeholders to come together and engage in strategic visioning and development…

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Safe Storytelling Toolkit

A toolkit that promotes storytelling as a tool against stigma, fostering empathy and understanding…

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Road to Mental Health

The Road to Mental Health (R2MH) is a vital resource offering free transportation services for rural youth (16-25)  in crisis and/or…

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Fixing the Cracks

Fixing the Cracks: A Toolkit for Youth and Adult Allies is an essential resource designed to mend the bonds between young adults and their…

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Mental Health Peer Support Guidebook

The Peer Support Guidebook, a valuable resource developed by the Youth Mental Health and Addictions Council (YMHAC) in response to…

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Youth Mental Health and Addiction Council

The Youth Mental Health & Addictions Council (YMHAC) is a dynamic initiative that amplifies the voices of young people in London…

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Youth Centred Practice

Youth-Centred Practice (YCP) is an innovative initiative aimed at transforming mental health care for young individuals by placing their…

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Making Sense

Get Excited about

To achieve our goal of addressing complex challenges in youth mental health and addiction, we believe it’s crucial to take a thoughtful approach. This means delving into the current state of the mental health and addiction care system to understand its strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. By gaining this understanding, we can lay a solid foundation.
Our upcoming work on Collective System Innovation (CSI) and Mindful Social Innovation (MSI) is centered on collaboration and innovation. We’ll be working closely with young people who have lived experience, as well as experts in the field, to develop creative and effective solutions. This collaborative effort ensures that the solutions we create are meaningful, relevant, and impactful for improving the overall well-being of young people facing mental health and addiction challenges.

Highlighted Blog Posts

Explore MINDS’ ongoing and pioneering projects in our blog, focusing on addressing complex challenges in youth mental health and addiction in London-Middlesex


London’s First Collective System Innovation Event

A summary of our first two-day CSI event that lists the projects moving forward in our local community…

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Join us August 23-24 for MINDS first Collective System Innovation (CSI) Event!

This blog is your go-to guide for everything you need to know about our two-day adventure into mindful social innovation…

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Unmarked chart paper before the event with a list of theme printouts atop it.

London’s Groundbreaking Sensemaking Roundtable

With over 40 people with lived experience leading discussions, MINDS shares our six key insights from our sensemaking work…

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Welcome to a Whole New MINDS (2.0)

MINDS is a mindful social innovation lab dedicated to designing and piloting innovations to mental health and addiction…

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Introducing MINDS 2.0 and Our Updated Focus

MINDS expands our age range to 16-35 and changes focus to the needs of people experiencing complex and severe forms of mental ill-health…

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The Road to Mental Health for Indigenous Communities

With dedicated drivers trained in crisis management and cultural sensitivity, the R2MH is a free option to attend appointments and more…

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You’re Invited to our 2022 MINDS Convening

The MINDS Convening 2022 will be an opportunity to share and celebrate the various interventions that have been successful…

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Meet Lily, One of Our Youth Researchers

One of our youth researchers shares insights on their work at MINDS and shares their favourite projects…

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In Memory of Eugenia Canas, MINDS Director of Research

This post is In memory of MINDS Director of Research, Dr. Eugenia Canas, who passed away on June 18th, 2021…

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Minds Staff

MINDS Staff and Volunteers

Our cross-disciplinary team is built on the idea that we all have something unique to offer. We could not do what we do without their extraordinary support.

Arlene McDougall

Arlene MacDougall (she/her)

Director and Principal Investigator

Dr. Arlene MacDougall is an accomplished psychiatrist, leader, researcher and innovator. She has led the development of transformative and novel cross-sectoral initiatives to address the growing burden of mental ill-health both locally and globally. She has authored over 50 publications and has been recognized as a global Young Physician Leader by the InterAcademy Partnership. Arlene is passionate about integrating mindfulness, social-emotional learning and social innovation tools and processes to catalyze self and system transformations for mental health and wellbeing.

Melissa Taylor-Gates (she/they)

Associate Director, Innovation and Engagement

Melissa has been working in youth mental health since 2012, focusing on youth co-creation and innovation. Melissa has a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science from Western University and is a Certified Project Manager. She believes foremost in empathy and compassion as a means to combat power inequality and support authentic communication between diverse people. They have a soft spot for a good book, game and cup of tea.

Renee Hunt (she/her)

Associate Director, Research and Operations

Renee is passionate and accomplished researcher whose focuses on general health and well-being, with an emphasis on mental health related to positive psychological practices and patterns of interpersonal behaviour. Before beginning her role with MINDS, Renee was a Mitacs Elevate Program Postdoctoral Fellow, Western University and graduated with her PhD in Social Psychology from Wilfrid Laurier.

Shara Thomas (she/her)

Programs and Innovation Officer

Shara specializes in curriculum development and program design, where she merges creativity and strategic thinking to build programs that provide meaning, connection and value for those she serves. Having collaborated with global health professionals on innovative mental health-focused projects in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, El Salvador, and Canada, she brings much gratitude and experience to her work. Outside of work, you can find her listening to music, enjoying a cup of tea, and delving into a good book.

Daphne Varghese (she/her)

Research Associate

Daphne is a PhD candidate from the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa. Her doctoral research is on social innovation in higher education, especially with regards to the influence of philanthropic foundations on social innovation initiatives in Canadian universities. She has been involved in research that maps the leadership practices of social innovators as well as examining the progression and influence of social innovation initiatives within the context of Canadian universities.

Tandra Lepine (she/her)

Community Engagement Coordinator

Tandra Lepine is a passionate mental health advocate dedicated to breaking the silence and stigma around mental health. As a motivational speaker and twice-nominated CMHA Champion of Mental Health, Tandra uses her platform to provide coping strategies, resources, and open conversations about mental health. Her mission is to bridge the gap between private struggles and professional help, reminding everyone that they are never alone and that hope is always within reach. In her free time, she likes playing Stardew Valley and competitive darts.

Grace O'Connor

Grace O’Connor (she/her)

Research Associate

Grace is in her 4th year of Neuroscience and Biology at Dalhousie University completing her Honours in Dr Sean Barrett’s lab studying nicotine addiction. She has previously worked as a research assistant with Dr. Igor Yakovenko researching opioid psychosocial and opioid agonist treatments. Grace is interested in pursuing a research career studying the intersection of mental health and addiction. In her spare time, Grace loves to play pickleball, tennis and spend time with friends.

Adit Singh Thakur (he/him)

Business Research Assistant

Adit holds a Master of Science in International Business from Ivey Business School at Western University. In this role, Adit focuses on business, strategy, and marketing research, helping to address various business challenges and providing support as needed. His professional interests lie in analyzing business problems from multiple perspectives. When not at work, Adit maintains an active lifestyle through regular exercise. He also keeps himself informed about current business trends and developments. For entertainment, he enjoys binge-watching the TV series Suits, as well as various documentaries and YouTube content.

Alec Cook (he/him)

Youth Research Associate

​​Alec is a undergraduate student at Western University, completing an Honours specialization in Psychology. Alec has been a part of MINDS since 2018, starting as a co-op student in his senior year of high school. He is currently leading the studying Youth-Centred Practice project. Alec is also a facilitator of the Youth Mental Health and Addictions Council (YMHAC).

Lily Yosieph

Lily Yosieph (she/her)

Research Associate

Lily is currently an EDI evaluator and adult liaison to the Youth Mental Health and Addictions Council (YMHAC), which she previously co-facilitated with Alec Cook. Lily admires the transdisciplinary approach to solving complex mental health system challenges within the MINDS lab; outside of work, she enjoys catching up on quality time with friends and family.

Jennifer Silcox (she/her)


Jennifer is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Child and Youth Studies at King’s University College at Western University. Her main areas of research include social inequality, youth mental health, and youth crime and legislation in Canada. She graduated with a PhD in Sociology, with a specialized focus in Criminology from Western University. In her personal time, she enjoys volunteering with wildlife rescue and rehabilitation and spending time with family and friends.

Richard Booth (he/him)


​​Richard Booth is an Associate Professor at the Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing (Western University) and a clinician researcher with an active research program exploring health informatics, human-technical relationships, and psychiatric-mental health nursing. Richard is an avid angler and will find any excuse use his charcoal barbeque in the rain, snow, or sun.

Abe Oudshoorn (he/him)


Abe is Associate Professor and Acting Associate Dean Research in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Western University. Abe is passionate about using research for system change to ensure those experiencing health and social challenges are adequately supported and stably housed. Abe enjoys swimming, biking, running and spending time with his family outdoors.

Kelly Anderson

Kelly Anderson (she/her)


​Kelly Anderson is a Canada Research Chair in Public Mental Health Research, and an Associate Professor in the Departments of Epi-demiology & Biostatistics and Psychiatry. Her research program is focused on risk and protective factors for population mental health, and access to mental health care. Kelly enjoys reading and building Lego with her kids.

“There is much gray area in the field, and we can’t be in black and white thinking. It’s that puzzle piece or cookie-cutter treatment that’s black and white. We can’t do that for each child because each child is not that cookie cutter shape.”

Fanshawe Student

Youth Centred Practice