London’s Groundbreaking Sensemaking Roundtable
Adit Thakur | July 16, 2024

Mindful Reflection, Collaborative Problem-Solving, and Visionary Planning

On a sunny Sunday in June, the air buzzed with anticipation as diverse voices gathered to reshape the landscape of mental health and addiction care in London. MINDS London’s Youth Mental Health and Addiction Sensemaking Roundtable wasn’t just another meeting – it was a catalyst for change, a fusion of lived experiences and professional expertise, all anchored in the revolutionary approach of Mindful Social Innovation.


Setting the Stage: Mindfulness Meets Innovation
As the clock struck noon, participants were greeted not with PowerPoint slides, but with an invitation to presence. Dr. Arlene MacDougall opened the event with a powerful reminder: true innovation begins with a quiet mind. A brief mindfulness practice set the tone, creating a space where vulnerability and creativity could flourish. “We’re not here to just talk about change,” Dr. MacDougall emphasized. “We’re here to embody it, starting with how we show up in this room today.”


Unraveling the Threads: Six Themes, Countless Stories
Dr. Renee Hunt took center stage, unveiling the fruits of months of sensemaking work. As Dr. Hunt spoke, heads nodded in recognition. These weren’t just abstract concepts – they were lived realities for many in the room.


Six themes emerged, each a complex tapestry of challenges and opportunities:

  1. Homeless & Housing Stability
  2. Lack of Resources for Substance Use and Addictions
  3. Lack of Service Coordination & System Navigation
  4. Being Denied Service for Being “Too Well” or “Too Ill”
  5. Lack of Interim and Proactive Approaches to Care
  6. Lack of Compassion & Humanity from Care Providers


Innovation in Action: Rotating Dialogues
The heart of the day beat strongest during the rotating small group discussions. Participants moved from table to table, each dedicated to a theme. Ideas flowed freely onto chart paper and Post-it notes: “What if we had a centralized mental health website for London?” one group proposed, envisioning a digital hub of resources, from housing support to peer mentorship programs. Another table tackled the thorny issue of compassion fatigue among care providers. “We need to care for the carers,” a participant insisted. “Maybe mindfulness training for all healthcare workers?”


The energy was palpable as insights emerged:

  • Housing First isn’t just a slogan; it’s a fundamental need
  • The line between “too well” and “too ill” is razor-thin
  • Technology could be a game-changer in system navigation


A Collective Vision Emerges: The Power of Sensemaking
As the groups reconvened, the room buzzed with energy. The sensemaking process had worked its magic, transforming individual experiences and insights into a collective understanding of the mental health landscape in London. Melissa Taylor-Gates took the floor. “Sensemaking,” she explained, “is more than just gathering data. It’s about creating shared meaning from our diverse experiences. Today, we’ve not only identified challenges – we’ve begun to weave a new narrative for mental health care in our community.”


Unraveling the Maze of Care
As discussion flowed, a clear priority surfaced: the urgent need to address the lack of service coordination and system navigation. This theme resonated deeply, chosen unanimously as the focus for MINDS London’s upcoming Collective System Innovation (CSI) event in August. “It’s like we’re building a map together,” one participant observed. “A map that will help people find their way to healing.”


The selection of Theme 3 wasn’t just a vote – it was a recognition of a fundamental truth: even the best services and resources can’t help if people can’t find or access them. The selection demonstrated the power of the sensemaking process. By bringing diverse stakeholders together (care providers, individuals with lived experience, families and more), MINDS London had facilitated a crucial shift from individual frustrations to collective action.


“This is what mindful social innovation looks like,” Melissa Taylor-Gates explained. “We’re not just identifying problems – we’re creating the conditions for transformative solutions to emerge.” The focus on service coordination and navigation will shape the upcoming CSI event in August, but its influence extends beyond a single gathering. It provides a north star for MINDS London’s efforts, informing everything from research initiatives to community partnerships.


Innovating the Innovation Process
The final hour was dedicated to shaping the future of MINDS London’s initiatives. Participants wrestled with questions of inclusivity, accessibility, and meaningful involvement of people with lived experience.


Key recommendations emerged:

  • Flexible scheduling for future events, including evening and weekend options
  • A mix of in-person and virtual participation to maximize accessibility
  • Intentional integration of people with lived experience throughout the innovation process
  • Skill-building workshops to empower participants in the art of mindful social innovation


Looking Ahead: A Revolution in Mental Health Care
As the day drew to a close, the air hummed with possibility. “Today was just the beginning,” Melissa Taylor-Gates concluded. “We’re not just reimagining mental health care – we’re rebuilding it from the ground up, with mindfulness and lived experience as our foundation.”


MINDS London unveiled its vision for 2024, introducing two groundbreaking programs:


  • Mindful Social Innovation (MSI) Training: A 12-session deep dive into the art and science of mindful leadership and collaborative problem-solving.
  • Collective System Innovation (CSI) Events: Bi-annual innovation intensives, each tackling a critical mental health challenge.


A Call to Action
As participants left, armed with new connections and fresh inspiration, the message was clear: this is a movement, and everyone has a role to play. Are you ready to be part of the mental health revolution? Here’s how you can get involved:


  1. Save the Date: August 23-24 are the first dates for CSI event. This event will focus on supporting innovations improving service coordination and system navigation. 
  2. Stay Connected: Follow MINDS London on social media for updates and opportunities to contribute.
  3. Practice Mindfulness: Start your own journey of mindful social innovation, right where you are.


As participants filed out, the buzz of conversation filled the air. Ideas were exchanged, connections were made, and a sense of hopeful determination permeated the group. The journey to transform mental health care in London had taken a significant step forward – and the best was yet to come.


Stay tuned for more updates as MINDS London continues this vital work. The path to better mental health care starts here, with each of us. 

Unmarked chart paper before the event with a list of theme printouts atop it.

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